Miró à Majorque. Un esprit libre

P.V.P.: 43,00 €
Friends Price: 40,85 €

Catalogue of the exhibition at the Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec (MNBAQ), 2019. 


Authors: M. Punyet Miró, Pilar Baos, André Gilbert, Patricia Juncosa
Publisher: MNBAQ, Cinq continents
Publication year: 2019
ISBN: 978-88-7439-891-1
Language: French

Product features:
176 pp
Hard cover
26 x 22 cm

This exhibition of Joan Miró arrives in Canada after travelling to Seoul, Bologna, Turin and Mallorca and it offers a series of keys to the artist’s inner spirit and way of thinking. No real insight can be gained without mentioning his strong attachment to his roots and to his identity, factors which had a very direct impact on his work.

“Miró, a wild spirit”, narrated in the first person, is based on all the above concepts, together with Joan Miró’s conception of his work as a kind of inner monologue and, at the same time, a dialogue with the public. It is divided into four main areas of a separate and yet complementary nature. The exhibition contains works produced in Mallorca during his most dynamic mature stage as an artist —the most innovative and “wild” and yet lesser-known period—, which defines the collection of Fundació Miró Mallorca.

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